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Our roastery recieved the Slovakia Superbrands Award for the second time

Marek Fajcik with superbrands logo

The prestigious Slovakia Superbrands Award, which we recieved for the second time in 2023, is awarded to companies operating in Slovakia, selected by the expert Brand Council as well as Slovak consumer. Attaining Superbrands confirms and strenghtens a brands position, adds prestige and reassures consumers and suppliers that they are buying the best brand in its category.

“The fact that we recieved the Slovakia Superbrands Award for the second time pleasantly surprised and pleased us – even more so because we are the only Slovak roastery that managed to win this award. For us, it is proof that our work has meaning and that customers and experts can appreciate it. And it concerns not only the quality and taste of our coffees, but also brandbuilding and the company as such. Winning the hearts of customers is something that doesn’t happen overnight, and there’s a lot of work behind.”


Superbrands awarding in ebenica roastery

However, we see this award as important not only for us, but also for the entire specialty coffee segment, which is relatively small and fragmented in Slovakia. We believe that this type of award also contributes to introducing quality coffee as well as other premium products from Slovakia to wider public.

About the Superbrands Slovakia program

Since we have received the Superbrands award for the first time in 2022, we began to take an active interest in what the Superbrands title actually means, who awards it and based on what criteria. We found the program to be the most recognized independent global authority on brand assessment and evaluation. It was created almost 20 years ago in Great Britain and gradually spread to 90 countries on 5 continents. Today, the Superbrands award is recognized as a special award that, based on unified criteria and methods, each year identifies the best of the best brands with a special position on the local market.

The goal of the Superbrands Slovakia program is not only to pay tribute to the most successful Slovak brands in the field of branding, but also to bring to the attention of consumers and the professional public exceptionally strong brands operating on the Slovak market and to present examples worthy of following for those who would like to develop and be inspired by the best.

The Superbrands seal is awarded to brands with an excellent reputation – customers associate significant values with them and have a personal relationship with them.

Superbrands evaluation methodology in the Slovak Republic

The selection of the best brands has several stages. In the initial phase, the organizers are working with a list of all brands existing in our country. In the next phase, individual brands are filtered according to the financial results provided by Bisnode/Dun & Bradstreet. Afterwards a consumer perception research is conducted by the INCOMIND company, in which the respondents narrow down the selection of the best brands. In the last phase, experts, members of the Brand Council expert commission, enter the process. This commission evaluates brands according to pre-defined criteria such as familiarity, brand building, acceptance, innovation and prestige.



