We have attended one of world’s most trusted gastronomical contests, Great Taste for the third time. This time, 4 of our espresso coffees were awarded.
Our Fruity Espressos in the Spotlight
After last year’s pause in contesting – when we, like most of the companies had to deal with completely different topics – we have decided to enter our Ebenica coffees again into the Great Taste contest to receive valuable feedback from respected experts from various gastronomical fields.
After weeks of waiting, when judges have tasted and evaluated the flavour of the entered products, we have received good news in early August: our coffees have gained 4 awards, again. With these, we have a total of 11 awards for “fantastic taste” of our coffees.
This time, the jury has awarded 4 coffees: Ethiopia Dimtu Tero, Kenya Tekangu Tegu, Colombia La Secreta, and the low-caffeine Siesta. All these coffees have one more thing in common, apart from all being Ebenica coffees: all four were roasted to enhance their interesting, sweet fruity tones. Have you tasted them already?

Ethiopia Dimtu Tero – 2 Gold Stars
This outstanding organic coffee has gained the jury’s interest with its specific aroma, which has been rated as a symbiosis of earthy and stone fruit aromas. They have also mentioned its complexity and elegant fruity aroma with tones of blueberries and strawberries, and some bitterness.
„Enjoyable and elegant without being challenging, both drunk as black and with milk.”
the jury of Great Taste 2022

Colombia La Secreta – 1 Gold Star
Our last year’s novelty, the Colombia La Secreta has left the same strong impression on the judges as it did on us:
“This coffee takes you on an interesting journey, providing the initial coffee hit, followed by warm cocoa notes and leading on with a smooth mouth feel to a balanced and lengthy finish with notes of sweet bright fruit – grapes perhaps. The finish is part of the appeal of this coffee, this might merit a further award.”
the jury of Great Taste 2022

Siesta – 1 Gold Star
We were wery excited to see our low caffeine blend Siesta getting an award. This unique blend of classic coffee and decaffeinated coffee has a remarkable almond flavour, complemented by the fruitiness of tangerines and the sweetness of molasses.
“It is sometimes difficult to formulate an original judgement on a coffee when the producers have got their own description so right! This delightful coffee is a cupful of joy. The flavours dance and sing, all on the bright side of the palate. This would make an excellent morning coffee to start the day and put a rewarding smile on your face.”
the jury of Great Taste 2022

Kenya Tekangu Tegu – 1 Gold Star
This specialty grade 100% Arabica is a characteristic combination of bitterness and fruityness, which has also impressed the judges of Great Taste.
“Even medium roasted beans, there is a sharp citrus note at the front before the chocolate characteristics develop. It is light and takes milk well, maintaining its body.”
the jury of Great Taste 2022
Choose From 11 Awarded Coffees
Apart from the coffees mentioned above, other coffees of ours have received awards at Great Taste and Coffee Review as well. These are our more traditional blends, like Intensivo, Gurmano, Piano, Duetto and Harmonelle, but also our more modern single origin coffees El Salvador La Joya and Guatemala Acatenango. Feel free to try them all, be the judge of them yourself and decide which one you like the most. All coffees are also available as 70g coffee samples.
Ethiopia Dimtu Tero
Sweet single coffee characterized by fruity tones of blueberries, wild strawberries and flowers.
Colombia La Secreta
It will enchant you with its creamy cocoa flavour, complemented by notes of mirabelles and grapes.
Coffee with reduced caffeine content, which will surprise you with the full taste of almond tones.
Kenya Tekangu Tegu
Lightly roasted select coffee that will enchant you with fresh tones of grapefruit, flowers and raspberries.